Celluloid Junkie: China’s Three Year Quest to Take Down Movie Piracy Ring

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Hunting Ghost No. 1 – China’s Three Year Quest to Take Down The Most Sophisticated Movie Piracy Ring Ever

June 6, 2019

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By Patrick von Sychowski

“(S)omewhere in China, digital cinema projection server No. A15591 was letting pirates make pristine HD copies the very same day new releases opened in cinemas. The piracy tracking team of China’s Central Propaganda Department’s Film Technology Quality Inspection Institute even had a nick-name for the server: Ghost No. 1. It was their job to find it – and stop it. This is the story of their three-year battle to take down the greatest film piracy ring to ever operate in China.”

Read entire article at Celluloid Junkie

Why it matters: Individual pirates can have nation-level impact.  Tracking them down and stropping them takes collaboration between detectives, governments, distributors and content owners.

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