Welcome to Piracy Monitor

Digital media piracy is the greatest enemy to creative professionals, consumers, rights-holders and their distribution partners the world over. To help them preserve their abilities to make a living and maintain operations, Piracy Monitor provides an authoritative resource so they can better understand the risks associated with piracy, the methods used by pirates, technologies that help detect it, and about available countermeasures and practices against it. Piracy Monitor also conducts online events devoted to piracy/anti-piracy and cybersecurity.  

All are produced by Advanced Media Strategies LLC. Steve Hawley is Managing Director.  Unless bylined otherwise, all articles on this site are by Steve Hawley.

Latest News

UK: North Yorkshire seller of modified Fire Sticks jailed for two years

In August 2024, the offender, Sunny Kumar Kanda, 40, of Creek View, Wheatley, Halifax, had pleaded guilty to three charges.  He had violated the...

Italy: Anti-piracy organization saw 2024 as a year of accomplishments

Italy's Federation for the Protection of Audiovisual and Multimedia Content Industries (FAPAV) conducted its Ordinary Assembly meeting on December 19, which updated members and...

Danish court rules that live sports can be protected under copyright in Denmark

A year-long legal case came to a close in December, showing that productions and recordings of sports events can be protected under copyright law...

Spain: Can ‘settlement’ requests from LaLiga be ignored by piracy consumers?

In March 2024, Vodafone, Más Movil, Telefónica, Orange and Digi were directed by Commercial Court No. 8 in Barcelona to report access to LaLiga...

Danish researcher finds that it pays to copy others: Study

Copying has become a sad reality for many designers, according to the Danish Rights Alliance, which mapped the economic consequences of copying, reviewed relevant...

Japan-based antipiracy org negotiates closures of 15 anime sites in Brazil

An anti-piracy operation was carried out on December 4, 2024, as part of a project commissioned by Brazil's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry...

Italy: Anti-piracy organization applauds Italy’s part in Europe-wide takedown operation

On a mandate from the Catania Prosecutor's Office, more than 270 Italian postal police operators carried out 89 searches in 15 Italian regions. This Italian...

Italy: AGCOM Commissioner protests agency’s rationale defending Piracy Shield platform

In December 2023, Italy's communications regulatory authority AGCOM deployed Piracy Shield, a piracy detection and case ticketing platform, with the good intention to reduce...

Protecting infrastructure: US agencies respond to Salt Typhoon cyberattack campaign, publish...

The US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), National Security Agency (NSA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and international partners released, Enhanced Visibility and...

Identity: Appeals Court upholds right to protect likeness against unpermitted use...

The US Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a TV personality's class-action complaint that the app developer NeoCortext could not use his likeness to...

Defendant fails to convince court he didn’t know a pirate service...

A defendant in the Athens Court of Appeals for Misdemeanors had claimed that he did not know his subscription to an online TV service...

FACT and police intensify efforts against illegal devices and streaming, UK-wide

In a two-week enforcement operation, police forces across the UK and the Federation Against Copyright Theft (FACT) together targeted 30 suppliers of illegal IPTV...

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Piracy Monitor is an initiative of tvstrategies (Advanced Media Strategies LLC), and is active in four areas: Piracy Awareness, Market Intelligence, Industry Marketing and Consulting.

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