Welcome to Piracy Monitor

Digital media piracy is the greatest enemy to creative professionals, consumers, rights-holders and their distribution partners the world over. To help them preserve their abilities to make a living and maintain operations, Piracy Monitor provides an authoritative resource so they can better understand the risks associated with piracy, the methods used by pirates, technologies that help detect it, and about available countermeasures and practices against it. Piracy Monitor also conducts online events devoted to piracy/anti-piracy and cybersecurity.  

All are produced by Advanced Media Strategies LLC. Steve Hawley is Managing Director.  Unless bylined otherwise, all articles on this site are by Steve Hawley.

Latest News

Inquiring minds want to know: Did China’s DeepSeek scrape OpenAI?

In an ironic twist, AI platform provider OpenAI and its primary investor Microsoft are questioning whether China's open-source DeepSeek R1 generative artificial intelligence platform...

Complaints mount toward Italy’s Piracy Shield incident reporting platform

While it has succeeded in blocking pirate sources, opinions differ dramatically as to whether the blocking performance of Italy's Piracy Shield piracy detection and incident...

USPTO Anti-piracy Symposium: Piracy and mitigation evolve while US still lags in pirate blocking

"The more things change, the more they stay the same: Just as they were 20 years ago, cyberlockers with large-scale repositories of stolen content...

Italy designates its first Trusted Reporter under the EU’s Digital Services Act

The Council of AGCOM, Italy's communications authority, has recognized Argo Business Solutions S.r.l., to be its first 'Trusted Flagger,' in the meeting of January...

AVIA 2025 Report: Despite progress, social and ad piracy soar across...

Not only are consumers in the Asia Pacific region accessing pirate content via social media and messaging platforms, but the incidence of piracy via...

Operation Kratos: Further details emerge about 2024 Europe-wide take-down

On November 26, 2024, a multi-national team, coordinated by Europol and Eurojust, executed an anti-piracy operation that took 100 pirate domains out of service....

USTR’s 2024 Notorious Markets report: 38 infringing online markets just scratches...

The 2024 Notorious Markets List (NML) from the Office of the US Trade Representative identified 38 online markets and 33 physical markets that reportedly...

UK: North Yorkshire seller of modified Fire Sticks jailed for two...

In August 2024, the offender, Sunny Kumar Kanda, 40, of Creek View, Wheatley, Halifax, had pleaded guilty to three charges.  He had violated the...

Italy: Anti-piracy organization saw 2024 as a year of accomplishments

Italy's Federation for the Protection of Audiovisual and Multimedia Content Industries (FAPAV) conducted its Ordinary Assembly meeting on December 19, which updated members and...

Danish court rules that live sports can be protected under copyright...

A year-long legal case came to a close in December, showing that productions and recordings of sports events can be protected under copyright law...

Spain: Can ‘settlement’ requests from LaLiga be ignored by piracy consumers?

In March 2024, Vodafone, Más Movil, Telefónica, Orange and Digi were directed by Commercial Court No. 8 in Barcelona to report access to LaLiga...

Danish researcher finds that it pays to copy others: Study

Copying has become a sad reality for many designers, according to the Danish Rights Alliance, which mapped the economic consequences of copying, reviewed relevant...

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Piracy Monitor is an initiative of tvstrategies (Advanced Media Strategies LLC), and is active in four areas: Piracy Awareness, Market Intelligence, Industry Marketing and Consulting.

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