US Senate group intros bill to combat copyright violations in AI-generated deepfakes

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Members of the US Senate AI Working Group introduced the Content Origin Protection and Integrity from Edited and Deepfaked Media Act (COPIED ACT), which would set federal transparency guidelines “for marking, authenticating and detecting AI-generated content, protect journalists, actors and artists against AI-driven theft, and hold violators accountable for abuses.”

The wide-ranging bill would require the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to develop guidelines and standards for content provenance information, watermarking and synthetic content detection. These standards will promote transparency to identify if content has been generated or manipulated by AI, as well as where AI content originated. The bill also directs NIST to develop cybersecurity measures to prevent tampering with provenance and watermarking on AI content.

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Wide endorsement

The bill has been endorsed by multiple industry groups and publishers, including the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), SAG-AFTRA, the Recording Industry Association of America, the National Newspaper Association, and numerous others.


The COPIED Act would give broadcasters, newspapers, artists, and other content owners the right to bring suit in court against platforms or others who use their content without permission. Internet platforms, search engines and social media companies would be prohibited from interfering with content provenance information.

The bill was introduced by U.S. Senators Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) and Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Chair and Member of the Senate Commerce Committee, respectively; and Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), member of the Senate AI Working Group.

Further reading

Cantwell, Blackburn, Heinrich Introduce Legislation to Increase Transparency, Combat AI Deepfakes & Put Journalists, Artists & Songwriters Back in Control of Their Content. Press release. July 11, 2024.  Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation. US Senate

Bill summary.  The Content Origin Protection and Integrity from Edited and Deepfaked Media Act of 2024 [COPIED Act]. July 11, 2024.  Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation. US Senate

Bill text. ‘‘Content Origin Protec- tion and Integrity from Edited and Deepfaked Media Act of 2024.’’  July 11, 2024.  Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation. US Senate

Why it matters

“Artificial intelligence has given bad actors the ability to create deepfakes of every individual, including those in the creative community, to imitate their likeness without their consent and profit off of counterfeit content,” said Senator Blackburn. “The COPIED Act takes an important step to better defend common targets like artists and performers against deepfakes and other inauthentic content.”

While the bill has the support of many publishing and creative interest groups, it is surprising that the Motion Picture Association was not one of them at the time that this bill was announced.

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