Coinciding with UNESCO’s World Book and Copyright Day, CreativeFuture posted a free Creativity Toolkit, a comprehensive informational resource to help creative professionals understand the concepts and protections under copyright law and a step-by-step guide to register creative works.
CreativeFuture reminds us that formal registration with the United States Copyright Office is required in order to bring suit against an alleged infringer. In the event of a successful litigation, registration also allows an author to recover statutory damages and attorney’s fees from the infringer.
The site’s Rights and Intellectual Property page provides a detailed list of exclusive rights under copyright law, including the rights-owner’s ability to authorize others to display, perform or reproduce their work.
CreativeFuture is also an outspoken advocate of pirate site blocking. While judicially-ordered site blocking processes and reporting procedures have become routine under the law in many countries, it remains a cumbersome process in the United States.
Further reading
Creativity Toolkit. Landing page. Published April 2024. CreativeFuture
Why it matters
While the site is for educational purposes only, and not intended as legal advice, it’s an indispensible resource for creative professionals, especially individuals who simply want to create; and who lack knowledge or expertise about copyright law.
(Source for image used with this post: © CreativeFuture)