Delays in implementing copyright directive draws fire from European Commission

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23 EU member countries have been asked by the EC to identify how they have been implementing copyright directives – which exclude pirates from the liability exemptions offered to service providers by the EU’s Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market (Directive 2019/790/EU) – into their national laws.

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The European Commission also has opened infringement procedures against the listed countries by sending letters of formal notice, as they have not identified their national policy measures or have done so only partially.

These 23 member countries are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark**, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, France, Croatia, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia and Slovakia.

The European Commission has also asked 20 of these countries (Denmark listed above with the ** plus Sweden) to identify how they have implemented Directive 2019/789/EU, which aims “to enhance cross-border access to a greater number of television and radio programmes, by facilitating the clearance of rights for the provision of online services that are ancillary to the broadcast of certain types of television and radio programs, and for (their retransmission).”

Read the full EC announcement 

Why it matters

The two EC Directives aim to modernize EU copyright rules and to enable consumers and creators to make the most of the digital world. The deadline for implementing these Directives into national legislation was June 7, 2021.

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