Denmark: Rights Alliance recommends rapid blocking of illegal streams

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Rights AllianceWith recommendations that are similar to – but more wide-ranging than – recommendations made to the European Commission in mid-May by an EU Parliament member, Denmark’s Rights Alliance responded to a Danish government request for recommendations on site blocking.

Unlike the recommendations made to the EC, which set a goal of shutting down a specific genre of streaming piracy in a specified period of time (30 minutes), the Rights Alliance makes the more “abstract” and non-genre-specific recommendation to streamline the take-down process so live streams are terminated while the event is in progress.

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Rights Alliance also suggests monitoring by government-appointed informants, and recommends that these guidelines be added to Denmark’s “Growth Plan for Creative Industries.”

Read Rights Alliance press release (Translated to English by Google Translate)

Why it matters

Currently, request-processing time interferes with timely implementation and limits mitigation to happen after-the-fact.

Also, while the Growth Plan for Creative Industries recognizes ‘scam sites,’ it reportedly lacks a time interval component.

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