Grabyo: Social and mobile TV exceed pay TV

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Source: Grabyo Ltd.

According to the social video production firm Grabyo, “most consumers rank linear broadcast TV as their 3rd choice for video, while smartphones are now the most popular device for watching video worldwide.”

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“Mobile viewing is a key factor in the huge growth of social video, with penetration now greater than 75% in all markets studied…. The growth of mobile video has played a part in changing how consumers pay for television – 43% of consumers that have cut the cord are watching video most often on a smartphone.”

Read the entire article (Includes link to Grabyo’s report)

Why it matters

As social media dominates the consumer landscape, so does social sharing.  It’s a two-edged sword for video providers, as on one hand, as content goes viral it may attract new paying subscribers or click-throughs.  On the other hand, it could also enable users to watch content that they may not have been given the rights to watch.

Innocent consumers that forward videos through social media could be deemed infringers, perhaps rightfully so in the strictest interpretation, but the average consumer doesn’t apply a rigorous thought process to it.

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