Indonesia-based pirate TVDOL brought down by multi-national team effort with Interpol

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TVDOL, a Jakarta based operator of the pirate IPTV service had been active since 2010, and, according to the South Korean government, resulted in losses equivalent to more than USD$11 million dollars.

The operator was arrested following wide-ranging collaboration between Indonesia’s Intellectual Property Office (Directorate General of Intellectual Property – DJKI), the South Korean National Police, Interpol, South Korea’s Ministry of Culture, Sports & Tourism, the Busan Police and the Indonesian National Police.

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The arrest took place in Jakarta, Indonesia, in October 2023 following a complaint by the Korean broadcaster Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) to Korean authorities of pirating of its content, including in Indonesia.  Further investigations revealed the pirate operation was based in Jakarta and involved a number of individuals, including the main operator Kim Dong Gil.

“It’s vital that enforcement authorities in different countries work together to take action against pirate operators wherever they are based, and we commend Indonesia’s Intellectual Property Office for the outstanding work that resulted in the takedown of a pirate operation causing damage in multiple countries,” said Matt Cheetham, the General Manager of CAP. “It is very encouraging to see so many enforcement bodies in different countries working together to take action against pirates,” he said.

The Asia Video Industry Association (AVIA) and its Coalition Against Piracy (CAP) joined the Indonesian Video Streaming Association (AVISI) to extend congratulations.

Quick success for a new organization

Founded on March 23, 2023, AVISI (the Indonesian Video Streaming Association), is a non-profit collective of thirteen video streaming platforms: BeIN, Bioskop Online, Cubmu, Genflix, KlikFilm, Max Stream, Mola, Netflix, Prime Video, Vidio, Vision+, VIU, and Catchplay+.

AVISI focuses on three main functions: serving as a collaborative platform for its members, acting as a partner and communication bridge for stakeholders, government, and the industry, and as a collective effort by the video streaming platforms to fight piracy.

Further reading

Indonesia’s Intellectual Property Office wins award in fight against piracy at Interpol conference. Press release. June 10, 2024. Asia Video Industry Association.

Why it matters

“Efforts to enforce intellectual property law in Indonesia are not only a manifestation of the commitment to protect creative and innovative rights but also a strategic step in building a strong legal foundation and supporting the industry ecosystem,” said Fachrul Prasodjo, Deputy Chair of Public Relations at AVISI. “The success of this collaboration is a driving force for ecosystem growth from upstream to downstream in this industry,” he said.

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