Italy affirms its commitment to EU Copyright Directive

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Italy’s Council of Ministers approved a Legislative Decree implementing the EU Directive 2019/790 on Copyright and related rights in the single market.  Federico Bagnoli Rossi, Secretary General of FAPAV – Italy’s Federation for the Protection of Audiovisual and Multimedia Content, declared “satisfaction with the definitive approval of the Copyright Directive in our country.”

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“Recognizing the role and responsibility of web intermediaries, plays a crucial role in the context of content enforcement and protection activities,” he said.

Read FAPAV’s press release (auto-translated from Italian to English by Google Translate)

Mr Bagnoli Rossi elaborated that “The digital environment … has profoundly changed in recent years (and) the Copyright Directive represents an important and decisive step for the protection of online copyright. The last year has seen an increase in the growth of the digital legal offers.”  According to research conducted by Ipsos research for FAPAV, “30% of the interviewees stated that they have signed up for a new subscription to a legal platform.

“It is therefore essential that in a general context of growth, in which the new distribution models are expanding, the best protection conditions can be created for those who invest in the development of the content industry,” said Mr Bagnoli Rossi.

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