Nordics: 2022 Report focuses on piracy’s economic, trademark and job impact

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€78 billion of economic value was created in 2021 in the Nordic region (Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland), by businesses dependent on copyright. €90 billion was created in Nordic businesses dependent upon design, and €276 Billion was created in businesses with dependency on trademarks; according to the January 2022 report, Intellectual Property, Jobs & Prosperity in the Nordic Region.  

Counterfeiting and piracy was resonsible for economic losses of nearly €16 billion, the loss of about 184,000 jobs that were “crowded out” by piracy activity and counterfeiting, and the loss of about €4.3 billion in tax revenue in the region.

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The report was written by Dr. Nima Sanandaji, president of the think tank European Centre for Entrepreneurship and Policy Reform (ECEPR), with support from a network of intellectual property law organizations in the Nordic region.  It is hosted for download by the Rights Alliance (Rättighetsalliansen) of Stockholm Sweden.

Read a further summary by Rights Alliance

Download the report: Intellectual Property, Jobs & Prosperity in the Nordic Region

Why it matters

Factual, objective information about the impact of piracy is valuable to media industry stakeholders and distributors as they endeavor to quantify the piracy problem in markets that they hope to reach.  This, in turn, helps the stakeholders justify anti-piracy expenditures and to make organizational changes that intercept and mitigate piracy.

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