Nordics: Password sharing is rampant in the region

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New data from Mediavision, an analysis and market consulting firm based in Sweden serving the Nordic media and telecom industry, finds that password sharing is a huge problem in that region.

Across all Nordic countries, up to 40% of SVOD subscribers “admit to sharing a password to a standalone SVOD service with someone outside the household. Shared passwords are especially common among the young, as high as up to 60% among 15-24. Sharing also clearly increases with stacking – the higher stacking, the more sharing.”

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Read further excerpts of the Mediavision study.

Why it matters

Mediavision estimates – theoretically – that if all Nordic households sharing access to SVOD services were to pay instead, about €250 million in otherwise lost revenue could be recovered.  However, Mediavision also wonders whether piracy also constitutes free promotion for creative professionals that could translate into legitimate revenue later.

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