South Africa: Individual with illicit streaming devices found guilty, to be sentenced

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Peter Lombard was found to be guilty under South Africa’s Electronic Communications and Transactions Act, and will be sentenced to a fine or a suspended prison sentence. He was arrested in 2020 with 12 illicit streaming devices (ISDs) in his posession.

TechCentral, a South African online journal, carried a brief story about the judgment on October 23.  In September it had run an in-depth look at piracy and anti-piracy efforts by Multichoice Group, Africa’s leading media company.

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Media security provider Irdeto, a Multichoice subsidiary, was surely involved in the technical investigation that built evidence against this defendant.  Multichoice runs an anti-piracy team comprised of former police and military professionals.

Piracy Monitor will amend and update this story as further details become available.

Further reading

Multichoice wins another battle in piracy war. News report. October 23, 2023. TechCentral (South Africa)

Inside DStv’s boots-on-the-ground war on piracy. Article. by Sandra Laurence. September 18, 2023. TechCentral

Why it matters

South Africa’s Copyright Act and Electronic Communications & Transaction Act make piracy illegal in that country.

Note: Irdeto is a sponsoring supporter of Piracy Monitor.  However, Piracy Monitor maintains editorial independence from its sponsors.

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