UK: RUSI sees organized crime taking increasing role in piracy

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The Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies (RUSI) released, “Taking the Profit Out of Intellectual Property Crime: Piracy and Organised Crime,” one of its series of Whitehall Reports.

The report “explores how criminals make money from piracy and provides recommendations for how the UK government, law enforcement and private sector stakeholders can decrease the profitability of doing so,” according to a prepared statement about the report.

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RUSI is said to be the UK’s oldest think tank, established in 1831.

Read about the report (RUSI site)

Download the report (March 2021)

Why it matters

RUSI says that while the report’s recommendations are addressed to UK audiences, almost all of them are internationally applicable, including advice “for rights holders, the financial sector and online service providers working across multiple geographies.”

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