Spring 2022 Video Security Summit a success, videos coming soon

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The Fight Against Piracy

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The Spring 2022 installment of the Video Security Summit, the industry’s only all-digital event dedicated specifically to piracy, took place on Tuesday June 14.

It was presented by Piracy Monitor and nScreenMedia, in partnership with MESA, the Media & Entertainment Services Alliance, and CDSA, the Content Delivery and Security Association.

Session videos will be posted during the week beginning June 20, along with summary articles about each of the sessions

Session agenda

Part 1 – Recognizing piracy and its impact
Time Session Description
7:30 am Opening and Piracy Refresher Greetings and a ‘Piracy 101’ re-introduction to piracy.
8:00 am New Ways to Prevent, Detect and Combat Piracy, Thanks to Advances in Cybersecurity A conversation with Verimatrix about protection of streaming, on-demand, and live/broadcast using a combination of tracking, monitoring and scoring techniques
8:30 am How sports leagues pinpoint and shut down piracy at lightning speed How video providers can beat the clock to fight theft by detecting anomalous use, and shutting it down as events are in progress, by Friend MTS
9:00 am OTT Infrastructure Security: An End-to-End Proposition An interview with Firstlight Media by nScreenMedia’s Colin Dixon, on how new techniques complement current technologies, to protect content across the distribution chain.
Part 2 – Protecting critical infrastructure
Time Session Description
9:30 am Securing Video: Thinking Outside the Stream Akamai security experts discuss current challenges and the importance of securing everything associated with a video production workflow, including APIs. Colin Dixon moderates.
10:00 am Applying cybersecurity sensibilities to the piracy problem A South Africa-based cybersecurity expert’s perspectives about securing video services and how the risks and remedies are different there and yet the same as everywhere.  With Sharon Knowles, CEO of DaVinci Forensics
10:30 am Hijacking residential IPs How geolocation technologies detect residential IPs that are hijacked and then sold to the highest bidder. GeoComply’s James Clark and Piracy Monitor’s Steve Hawley
11:00 am Emerging piracy use-cases How distributed ledger and other technological advances in the validation of asset ownership can better protect against piracy.  A conversation with Kudelski Security’s Scott Carlson and Piracy Monitor’s Steve Hawley


Presented in an interview and case study format, the event attracted creators, rights-holders, distributors, pay TV operators and stakeholders at all levels from across the media and entertainment spectrum. Learn from acknowledged experts.

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