The June 2022 quarterly newsletter from AVIA, the Asia Video Industry Association, demonstrates that its Coalition Against Piracy (CAP) takes an active role against piracy, not just through advocacy within the pay TV industry and with its supplier community, but also in active initiative with national regulators in the region.
Anti-piracy engagement with online platforms
The organization also actively engaged with Google to in an effort to help prevent clandestine developers from replacing pirate apps that had been taken down for infringement of content from AVIA member companies.
During the quarter, AVIA hosted an online seminar by Synamedia about Telegram as a platform for piracy, and published a white paper authored by Synamedia on the topic.
Piracy trending downward in Asia-Pacific region
In May, AVIA’s CAP conducted a videoconference with the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines about how an efficient site blocking initiative can be put in place in the country.
CAP also presented to 140 government officials from multiple countries in the region at an ASEAN/USPTO online seminar about the success of site blocking in the region. With CAP support, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam have enacted anti-piracy regulations that have cut piracy dramatically by cutting off supply.
AVIA operates MagiCAP, a piracy detection platform that shows piracy trending downward in the region. An upgrade to the platform is under development.
Read the Pulse newsletter, June 2022 (AVIA)
Read Is Your Pirated Premium Content Available on Telegram? (AVIA, by Synamedia)
Why it matters
As restrictions are lifted on travel, CAP will be visiting more countries, including anti-piracy summits in Thailand and the Philippines.
According to the newsletter, CAP is also rebooting its market sweeps in the region, looking for ISPs and infringing apps, pirate operators and will be pressing on with its investigations programs.