ACE wins Canada injunction against streaming pirate

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By Gene Maddaus

Source: Variety

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“The Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment — the five major studios plus Netflix and Amazon — disclosed that it had shuttered Vader and seized its assets through a sealed court proceeding in Canada.

“The organization alleges that Vader Streams provided a library of 2,400 movies, 350 TV shows, and 1,300 TV channels to more than 200 illicit TV providers. In total, ACE estimates that Vader supplied pirated content to some 8 million subscribers, mostly in the U.S. and Canada.”

Read further details at Variety

Why it matters

Vader Streams is just one entity in an ecosystem of video pirates, so this is one of those cases where one victory can reverberate. Also, because this pirate is to relinquish control over its operations, its network can feed into a powerful anti-piracy learning experience.

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