The Trustworthy Accountability Group (TAG) estimates that the industry rate of advertising theft by pirates is nearly 11%, according to a 2020 TAG report. But while Conviva’s “State of Streaming Advertising 2021” report provides premium streaming publishers with a set of priorities toward “how to grow their streaming ad revenues, tap into the $30 billion upside that exists in streaming advertising today,” it is silent about losses due to advertising fraud.
According to TAG, fraud occurs as Sophisticated Invalid Traffic (SIVT), which is traffic through “hijacked devices, ad tags, or creative; adware; malware; misappropriated content,” and General Invalid Traffic (GIVT), which includes “traffic identified through routine and list-based means of ltration—such as bots, spiders, other crawlers; non-browser user agent headers; and pre-fetch or browser pre-rendered traffic.”
Read Conviva’s “State of Streaming Advertising 2020” report
Read the TAG Fraud US Benchmark Study (November 2020)
Why it matters
Many online advertisers are well aware of the risk that a significant portion of their advertising expenditures are stolen through fraud. While Conviva’s conclusions about optimizing quality-of-experience, improving consumer intelligence, and the balance between monetization and consumer privacy have an impact on monetization, theft interferes with that potential.
Those advertisers who are not yet in the know about piracy deserve to unserstand both sides of this equation: revenue optimization and loss due to fraud and theft.