CreativeFuture: Advocating copyright protection for Creative Professionals

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Piracy Monitor is proud to carry articles and contributions by CreativeFuture, a nonprofit coalition of more than 560 companies and organizations, and more than 275,000 individuals – from the film, television, music, book publishing, photography, and other creative industries.

CreativeFuture’s mission is to advocate for strong but appropriate copyright protections and to empower creatives to speak out against piracy and how it affects their ability to create and to make a living.

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Go to CreativeFuture articles on Piracy Monitor

CreativeFuture speaks up about creativity’s cultural and economic value, the importance of copyright in protecting creativity, and the massive harm caused by the global theft of our creative works. Millions of creatives and thousands of businesses around the world depend on copyright to bring all of us countless moments of inspiration, learning, and joy.

Read more about CreativeFuture’s important advocacy initiatives and become a member (free).

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