Italy: FAPAV/Ipsos study recommends early education about copyright

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A study for UNIVIDEO entitled “Young people and the audiovisual. An unprecedented and eclectic relationship” highlights important innovations in the development of the audiovisual market.  The research, by FAPAV/Ipsos, concludes that young people should learn early about the investments made, and professional opportunities afforded by, the media industry; and have sufficient understanding of copyright that they resist the temptation to consume content illegally.

The FAPAV/Ipsos research said that 65% of young pirates between 16 and 25 years old do not consider the viewing of pirated films, series and unofficial sources to be a serious issue.

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“It is therefore necessary to create a system between institutions and industry and promote the skills and merit of a sector, that of audiovisual entertainment, which represents a very important sector for the economy of our country,” said Federico Bagnoli Rossi, President of FAPAV (Federation for the Protection of the Audiovisual and Multimedia Content Industries, Italy)

At the time of this writing, the report itself was not yet available.

Further reading

Bagnoli Rossi (FAPAV): “Young People and the Audiovisual. It is important to focus on the new generations and make a system between institutions and industry.  Press release. November 2, 2023. Federazione per la Tutela delle Industrie dei Contenuti Audiovisivi e Multimediali (FAPAV).

Why it matters

“In this historical moment, with the approval of the new Anti-piracy Law on August 8th, Italy is confirmed as a cutting-edge country” added Bagnoli Rossi, highlighting the increasingly important role that also covers awareness-raising and education activities as best practices to affect consumer behavior.

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