USTR: Special 301 and Notorious Markets Reports

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Image Source: USTR

The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) publishes two authoritative reports with a focus on intellectual property rights and piracy.

According to the USTR Web site, the “‘Special 301’ Report reflects the outcome of a Congressionally-mandated annual review of the global state of intellectual property rights (IPR) protection and enforcement. The review reflects the Administration’s resolve to encourage and maintain enabling environments for innovation, including effective IPR protection and enforcement, in markets worldwide, which benefit not only U.S. exporters but the domestic IP-intensive industries in those markets as well.”

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“The USTR first identified notorious markets in the Special 301 Report in 2006. Since February 2011, USTR has published annually the Notorious Markets List separately from the Special 301 Report, pursuant to an “Out-of-Cycle Review of Notorious Markets,” to increase public awareness and help market operators and governments prioritize IPR enforcement efforts that protect American businesses and their workers.”

Access the 2019 Special 301 report (published April 2019)

Access the 2017 Notorious Markets List (published January 2018)

The issue focus for the 2019 Notorious Markets List will be “Malware and Online Piracy,” such as the relationship between malware and online notorious markets based outside the United States, the size and scope of the issue, estimates of economic harm caused by the malware, specific examples, and recommended solutions.

Why it matters

While the comment period has closed for the 2019 Notorious Markets List, 32 comments are available for public viewing on the USTR Web site. Some formal research reports are accessible within the comments submitted by the Motion Picture Association, the Asia Video Industry Association, The Digital Citizens Alliance, and others.

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