Light Reading: Synamedia says video providers can recover revenue by controlling credential sharing

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By Orly Amsalem, Product Manager, Video Security, Synamedia

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Credentials sharing is not a new problem for service providers. As the OTT and pay-TV landscapes continue to evolve, the ability to watch from multiple screens has had the unintended consequence of contributing to illegal password sharing.

As traditional monetization sources are drying up or stagnating, providers can take advantage of the changing landscape of entertainment to find new revenue streams.

Read the entire article at Light Reading

Why it matters

Tracking the sharing of credentials is a tool to identify not only unintentional infringing behavior that can be remedied with a light touch, such as by extending marketing offers that capture new revenue.

Tracking also helps reduce professional piracy by identifying anomalous usage behavior that’s a tip-off.  For example, thousands of log-in requests to the same account in an impossibly short period of time.

Synamedia is a sponsor of Piracy Monitor, an independent information service with the mission to inform about video piracy: the size of the problem, how it happens, the damage it causes, what’s being done about it, and about countermeasures and practices that help reduce the associated risks.

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