Indonesia: New piracy sites filling the hole left by IndoXXi shut-down

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The recently-reported shut-down of the Indonesian video pirate operation known as IndoXXi has not taken its content out of circulation as expected. Instead, “many other piracy sites, including some obvious copycat clones” have become available.

Since the reported shut-down of IndoXXi, the Video Coalition of Indonesia (VCI) has reported more than 200 new sites to Indonesia’s Minister of Communications and Information (KOMINFO) to be blocked.

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Read the news release from the Asia Video Industry Association (AVIA)

Why it matters

This case is another example of a common source of stolen video: other pirates. AVIA’s news release also reminds us that piracy sites don’t only cause financial damage to video producers. Piracy Monitor has warned about the ability for pirate video to infect consumer devices with malware and ransomware, and to steal consumer data that resides on these devices.

AVIA adds that advertising and content files can also contain remote access clients that violate basic privacy, by allowing pirates to activate and record from device Webcams without the consumer being aware

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